They love dried fruit, chocolate, candy, powdered milk, dog food, bird seed, grain, nuts, and more. Whatever it is you don’t want them to eat, they will devour. Not only do they destroy your food, but they contaminate it, and leave behind a big mess. Therefore, the only thing left to do is get in touch with our pest removal technicians to remove the problem before it gets worse.
How do I know I Have Indian Meal Moths in My Home?

You can easily find yourself with an Indian Meal Moth infestation. You could have bought something from the supermarket that was already infested, or you purchased any food item from a store that them. While it’s easy to get angry and frustrated at the problem, it’s even easier just to get the problem sorted by calling for pest control services in Massachusetts.
However, the first step is identifying that you have a problem. It can be easy to tell that your home is overrun with Indian Meal Moths, aside from seeing them with your own eyes flying around your lamp shades. You may find that food items in your pantry are covered in a strange looking web, and that’s a good first indicator that you have a problem. Secondly, grain, flour, cereal, or any food that isn’t sealed shut, may have moth eggs in it. If you find eggs in your food, throw it outside into a sealed trash can immediately, then give us a call.
How Can Pest Control Experts Remove Indian Meal Moths?

Our technicians will then apply residual insecticide to the affected areas, such as cupboard corners. Doing so will help to remove larvae. Going forward, once your infestation has cleared up, you may like to consider pheromone traps which lure male Indian Meal Moths to their death. While you are only able to trap male moths, you are stopping the moth lifecycle from being completed, and this can dramatically reduce your problem.
If you find yourself with an Indian Meal Moth infestation, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Get in touch with our pest removal team for guaranteed results, and a money-back guarantee.
For all Your Pest Control needs
Home Inspections
General Pest Control
Problem Animal Control
Areas In which we provide services
Norton, Mansfield, Sharon, Taunton, Norfolk, Foxboro, Plainville, Walpole, Attleboro, North Attleboro, South Attleboro and more.