What Do Raccoons and Opossums Do?

Opossums are the only marsupials in North America, and they raise their young in their pouches before leaving them to live on their own. Out of all the notable features of opossums, the most obvious one is that they are scavengers. They eat anything and will dig through your trash, steal pet food, and take over your home. Without calling for pest control in Massachusetts, you will surely find that a family of opossums is more than happy to take up residence in your roof or attic. Here, they will create a substantial amount of damage and waste.
The same can be said for raccoons. While typically they are found in natural environments, they are seeing how desirable our suburban areas are, and are making their way there in droves. The sooner you call for pest control services, the sooner you can have them evicted. They pick through your trash creating a substantial amount of mess, spread disease to both wildlife and domestic pets, and tear holes in your roof to gain access.
However, a raccoon’s rampage doesn’t end there. If you don’t call for pest control services straight away, a raccoon can cause thousands of dollars of damage in no time. They can tear off wallpaper, insulation, rip open internal ducts, and raise a family in your attic. Without intervention, they are more than happy to make your home theirs.
How Do I Get Rid of Raccoons and Opossums?

By calling experts in wildlife and pest removal, you can rest assured these deceivingly cute creatures can be moved on to a more natural environment in the most humane way possible. It’s firstly important to find out how they got into your home in the first place. Did they waltz in through the front door? Then it’s a simple case of calling in pest control experts to get them out.
Or, did they find their way into an internal cavity such as an existing or new hole in your roof? If they are in your crawl space, walls, attic or ceiling, you need to take action immediately. Pest control experts in Massachusetts can act fast, removing any raccoons or opossums from your home, and recommending when and where to seal the holes upon which they found exit and entry.
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Norton, Mansfield, Sharon, Taunton, Norfolk, Foxboro, Plainville, Walpole, Attleboro, North Attleboro, South Attleboro and more.